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I released Version 13 for mobile. Let me know if doesn't work, im still trying to figure out the issue though!

I love seeing this game get updated and get better and better with each iteration. Keep going! <3

Thanks, I really appreciate the support! :D

(1 edit)

Outfits are fixed 👍

Also added Mobile support

Where can i find a key??

When you enter the apartment building, talk to the foxgirl


Honestly, I'd say some screenshots of the game on your store page would go a long way.

Perhaps a list of relevant content players can expect to see or content that you would like to add in the future within the store description too.

These two things could help entice more people to try out your game and, in turn, garner more feedback.

All in all, I'd advise any game developer to focus on making the game they want to make, first and foremost and use any feedback to temper and adjust based on what fits their personal vision the best.


Thanks for the advice! Yeah I think I will try doing that. There is a lot of things I want to add but I'm still trying to figure how to work rpg maker, I just learned how to use switches like two days ago lol. But yeah thanks for your advice and feedback :)


Hey, no problem! I'm happy to help!

Are you taking any inspiration from any other games to make this one?


Kind of, I had played some of the more adult games on itch and they sort of inspired me to try to make a game. And I had recently bought rpg maker on sale, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Meh, pretty oki but still pretty jank ~w~

what version of rpgmaker are you using?

(1 edit)

Mz, I am terrible at writing scripts lol